Digital Planetarium Show
The Science of astronomy emerged as a result of intense study of sky by mankind. With the progress of civilization newer and better than ever instruments were developed for astronomical observations which intensified star gazing and widened human knowledge on celestial bodies.
The planetarium has been making learning Astronomy a pleasant experience.
Planetarium as an instrument which educated the man about the objects of the sky, their nature and their relative movement by simulating the night sky of a particular place at a particular date & time of the year. In the planetarium the night sky is projected from a highly sophisticated and intricately complex instrument from the centre of hemispherical dome under which the visitors sit surrounding the projector. This gives the visitors the feeling of being a part of a place the sky of which has been simulated over their eyes. One can identify some well known stars and constellations like Pole Star, Great Bear, Sirius, Orion etc. Different programmes with astronomical film are launched from time to time to give more and more information about the mystic sky.