Innovation Hub

This facility provides a unique opportunity for children of various age groups to work at the Centre during the week-ends to develop their ideas on various aspects of Science & Technology. Membership is available for interested students for long-term hands-on and minds-on engagement in creative activities in science & technology.
The intention is to provide an open platform to the young people to engage in innovative and creative activities. Here they can experiment and pursue with their innovative ideas to nurture their innovative potential and develop innovation centric mindset. The innovation Hub of Shrikrishna Science Centre will engage the youth in creative hobbies and activities in science and technology in spare time to promote their critical thinking and practical problem solving skills. An Idea Box for children to propose ideas and create an idea bank. The best ideas are chosen for experimentation, model making and project work.

Facilities at the Innovation Hubs:

Discovery Hall: This area will have 10 to 15 interactive science exhibits/experiments to create excitement about science through exploration and discovery of underlying principles. This will help promote logical thinking.
Innovation Resource Centre and Hall of Fame: This space will be used to showcase innovative ideas/products/implements that have transformed our world or have made significant impact on the way we conduct our lives along with respective inventors & innovators. Stories or inspirations behind such innovations/inventions will also be mentioned through appropriate modes. Besides these, implements/ samples of appropriate technology and traditional knowledge systems, art and craft and other areas of importance in public life in the respective regions shall be exhibited.
Idea Lab: This lab will have necessary basic facilities to pursue creative and innovative hobbies/activities that involve model making, basic science experimentation, design & fabrication of useful gadgets of practical use, teaching/learning kits or aids for better classroom transactions, testing of samples like soil, water, food items etc.
Thod Phod Jod (Break & Remake) Corner: Students learn to do things with their own hands, dismantle, reassemble and remake devices/gadgets.
Kabad Se Jugad (Build from scraps): Students learn more by doing things practically using day to day scrap.
Idea Box: Students generate their own innovative ideas and create an idea bank. The best ideas are chosen for  experimentation/model making/project work.
Design Studio: This area will offer creative environment to design of various objects products etc.
For details the students and authority of the schools & collages may contact to Project Coordinator, Shrikrishna Science Centre, Patna.

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