Travelling Exhibition
In a large country like India, having diversified climatic conditions, economic conditions, educational levels etc. it is indeed a challenge to produce a travelling exhibition which will strike the right chord. With the prime objective of NCSM being the development of science literacy among the masses and increase interest among the students in science, travelling exhibitions in NCSM had to take into account a number of parameters. Findings suggest that while parameters like contemporary topics, interactivity in exhibits, multimedia etc. were take into account while fabrication of travelling exhibitions like, ‘Dinosaurs’, ‘Radiations Around Us’ and ‘Century of Physics’, while the same parameters were not incorporated in exhibitions like ‘Story of Poles’, ‘Networks’ etc.
The advantages of developing and displaying of a travelling exhibition are manifold. The most important being it gives the visitors to know and understand about contemporary topics and also for science museum / centre it helps to get repetitive visitation.
Findings suggest that visitors are intersected in exhibitions on contemporary topics current scientific issues and cutting edge technologies. Keeping these in mind centre organised temporary exhibitions on ‘Radiations Around Us’, ‘Century of Physics’ etc.